Registration has opened for ACTES 2024 |

Registration has opened for ACTES 2024 "Together, we have the opportunity to facilitate outstanding knowledge exchange and to establish new treatment standards that will ensure the highest quality of patient care…

Abstract submission ACTES 2024 |

Thank you very much for your interest in the 8th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ACTES 2024) of 08–09 November in Tirana, Albania We look forward to your contributions…

Congratulations & happy 5th-anniversary AJTES |

AJTES Vol. 5, No. 2; July 2021... is launched online today …After a great and qualitative scientific work from the full AJTES board, we arrive to manage and to get ready…

ACS – ATLS Albania Course |

The memorandum of understanding ATLS - "Advanced Trauma Life Support" course, an American College of Surgeon  Patent, an international training course comes for Albanian physicians which will improve medical care to…

ASTES General Assembly |

In the framework of the normal activity of Albanian Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery and following the great success of 2nd Annual Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2018,…