Aug/ 17/ 2024 | 0

Thank you very much for your interest in the 8th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ACTES 2024) of 08–09 November in Tirana, Albania

We look forward to your contributions and thank you in advance for your active participation in ACTES 2024!

ACTES 2024 topics

Instruction for the writing of the Abstracts:

Abstract Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024


The scientific committee selects the abstracts.

Accepted abstracts will be integrated into the program as oral presentations or e-Posters.

All abstracts presented at the ACTES 2024 will be published afterward.

+ In the supplement of AJTES (Albanian Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery).

+ Special exclusive issue AJTES Vol 8; No. 2; Supplement 8, November 2024 with

      “Proceedings” as special issues for the Book of Abstracts for ACTES 2024.

See link:



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o   Mobile:       +355 69 818 0015

o   Website

 #ACTES_2024 #UHT #ASTES_org #SUT #AJTES_journal #ATLS_Albania #surgery #trauma #management #education

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